Coughs, colds and all sorts of unidentified viruses continue to circulate and it’s all becoming a bit much!  What can we do to keep well as we move into spring and the promise of milder weather?

I recommend that you do actively treat even the mildest of sniffles.  There are many ways to do that without having to go down the conventional route of over the counter medications.  Hot honey and lemon is my go-to whether I have a sore throat or not.  It’s soothing, warming and packed with vitamin C.  I avoid sugary foods as they encourage inflammation and phlegm and avoiding anything highly processed is always a good step.  Keep hydrated – I replace tea and coffee with hot water with a slice of lemon – whatever you prefer but just remember to keep the flow of drinks going.

Eat well!  I so often hear the old adage – feed a cold starve a fever – quoted back at me the wrong way round. Generally during a fever our appetite is very low whilst the body is dealing with a fever state and during a cold, virus or sniffles our appetites can be almost more than usual.  So eat!  Fruit and vegetables, a warming homemade soup or some good old fashioned comfort food will help you along.  Cooked food at this time is better as it warms the system and is more easily digested than raw food.

Homeopathy has many remedies to deal with these viruses

Pulsatilla for instance, I prescribe when there is a constant stream of snot.  Runny eyes, cough on lying down, and a general feeling of needing to be looked after.  Also useful if the symptoms keep changing.   Aconite is useful right at the beginning of any symptoms so if you have the presence of mind to notice you might be going down with something this is the one for you.  Spongia can clear a tickly cough and Chamomilla is a must if you have earache.

And the list goes on – there are so many really useful remedies that once you become familiar with when to take them, you can keep in the cupboard at home and use when needed – without having to make an appointment with your Homeopath.

Contact me if you would like an online consultation and we can get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.